G & L Auto Services

G & L Auto Services MOT test centre in Aberdare West/Llwydcoed Rhondda Cynon Taf. Book an MOT at G & L Auto Services, their telephone number is 01685872116.

Independent Garage

G & L Auto Services Address

G & L Auto Services,
West End Garage,
Mount Pleasant St,
CF44 8NG

G & L Auto Services Aberdare West/Llwydcoed Rhondda Cynon Taf MOT test centre offers MOTs on the following vehicle class types:

Vehicle Type
Vehicle class
Maximum MOT fee
3-wheeled vehicles (over 450kg unladen weight)4£54.85
Cars (up to 8 passenger seats)4£54.85
Motor caravans4£54.85
Quads (max unladen weight 400kg - for goods vehicles 550kg and max net power of 15kw)4£54.85
Dual purpose vehicles4£54.85
Private hire and public service vehicles (up to 8 seats)4£54.85
Ambulances and taxis4£54.85
Private passenger vehicles and ambulances (9 to 12 passenger seats)4£57.30
Goods vehicles (up to 3,000kg design gross weight)4£54.85
Class 4 vehicles (9 to 12 passenger seats) with a seat belt installation check4a£64.00

MOT test prices listed are the maximum MOT fees for each vehicle type, the cost of an MOT at G & L Auto Services may vary.

Search for MOT Test centres in Aberdare West/Llwydcoed Rhondda Cynon Taf with MOT Test Near Me and find your nearest MOT test centres.

Opening Hours

Opening hours may vary, please call G & L Auto Services on 01685872116 to find current opening hours.

Contact Details

Telephone: 01685872116

Price Range: £



51.720778, -3.455582